It also may be the solution for optimizing large amounts of cash if, for example, you’re thinking about selling the business. Preferred Deposit for Business can help you build your business through equipment purchases and infrastructure improvements, and even help you create an emergency fund for unexpected business challenges. If you are a business owner or responsible for managing your business’s cash reserves, Preferred Deposit for Business® can be used to help earn yield and manage working capital for funds held in eligible business accounts at Merrill. Preferred Deposit for Business® is also available for business accounts
This can help you make more informed decisions as you work towards your goals.
Your advisor will also be able to help you set up your account and manage the cash you have, as part of your larger financial approach. Preferred Deposit balance and performance information is accessible on your Merrill account statement as well as through your online account access. Preferred Deposit is an ideal way to integrate your everyday cash management into your larger financial plan.